Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday Pics

Ok so a lot of these pictures could of been deleted but we thought it would be fun to share our struggles with the new camera and oh yeah using the new tripod to take the family X-mas picture. Raquel will add some info later but we wanted to get some of these pics up for X-mas...Happy Holidays to all

So who knew it would be so tough to try and keep up with a blog. I hope you have a few minutes to look through the 354 pictures we have posted. I promise that one day we will try and post more often. I will try and give just a brief description about the photos.

First you will notice a gift that was sent to Hailey from great grandma Lupe in California. It was the cutest Betty Boop Western Doll. She likes to give her hugs and play with her. Hailey also enjoyed tearing through the paper and playing with the box. Thanks Great Grandma!

The next few pictures were taken on Thanksgiving Day while in Bailey at Grandpa Ron's and Grandma Barb's house. We had to take Hailey to visit Henry, The Donkey. We bundled Hailey up in her new coat and went down the street with Grandpa Ron, Auntie Shannon, and Apollo. Hailey wasn't afraid of Henry and she liked petting his coarse hair. On the way back, Dad thought it would be funny to have Hailey help him drive back to Grandpa and Grandma's house. She had fun helping daddy steer when the sun wasn't shining in her eyes.

A few days after Thanksgiving, we got some ornaments from Grandpa Ron and Grandma Barb. We opened them up and Daddy and Hailey hung them on the tree. Sean and I got a really cute Grinch ornament but I don't think we got a picture of it.

We had to share the pictures we took in order to get our Christmas card. It only took us about 100 shots or so. Sean and I had been wanting a tripod so that we could have pictures with all three of us in them. Sean set up the tripod one night and we started taking pictures. Little did we know that it would take so many to get the PERFECT one. Every time we thought we got a decent one, one of us closed our eyes or Hailey was looking the other way. You can notice that our smiles start to fade as we continued taking pictures. It became quite comical and we gave up and decided to try the next night. We were much more successful the second night and it didn't take us as long.

The BIG DAY had finally arrived and we took pictures of Hailey first thing on the morning of her 1st birthday. She was still fast asleep when we went in but once she heard us, she jumped up at once. She was all smiles and we sang to her. That night we decided to let her open a couple of gifts and we bought a slice of chocolate cake for her to try. She enjoyed the cake as Daddy fed it to her. You will notice that we waited until 7:58 and took some special pictures of Hailey. That was the exact time she was born and you will notice the time on the stove in the background.

December 19th was Hailey's Birthday Party. It was a gingerbread theme. We were joined by lots of family and friends. We sure missed our family and friends that couldn't make it. Hailey got tons of fun toys and cute clothes. She liked helping me as we would tear open the gifts. She really enjoyed holding on to the pair of shoes she got. Uh oh, I think she is going to like shopping. :) When it was time for cake, we sat her in the highchair and were ready for the mess she was about to make. To our surprise, she put her hands in the cupcake and didn't seem to like the fact that she was dirty. She kept touching her fingers together and looking at me for help. I wiped off her hands and then fed her some of the cupcake. She liked that better. I don't think she is going to like to get dirty or at least not for now. I think she may be a true girly girl.

After our friends left, we celebrated Sean's birthday. His birthday is on December 12th. He opened his gifts and was surprised with an acoustic guitar given to him from his parents, me, and my parents. He jumped right into it as Ron started to teach him some of the chords. Sean has been practicing religiously every night.

Another gift that Hailey received after her birthday party was from her Auntie Christina and Uncle Jimmy. Auntie Christina is extremely creative. She made the four onesies that are absolutely adorable. Thank goodness we got some more Cowboy gear in the house. Grandma Judy sent the Roger Staubach jersey that you will notice in some of Hailey's birthday party pictures that her Uncle Louie and cousin Lucas wore when they were little. Anyhow Hailey wore one of the onesies and we got some good pictures of her wearing it while she is playing in her crib. It says "Lil Angel" and the back of it has wings. She truly is our angel. Thanks Auntie Christina!

Well I hope you enjoyed all of the pictures. We got some great footage of Hailey's birthday party and of Christmas day. We will try to get that on the blog within the next week, but no promises. :)


Christina02 said...

Thanks for posting these Sean! They are wonderful! Hailey is beautiful and those eyes are gorgeous!
See Raquel I told you I check everyday! lol
Miss you and love you guys!
Merry Christmas!!!

Shannon said...

Those pictures are adorable. The first set of you guys taking the Christmas picture is quite comical. Hailey didn't look too interested in taking pictures that night. :)

Christina, I love the onsies. They are so cute. :)

Auntie Kristy said...

Yes, wonderful photos and a wonderful blog! Thank you for the updates. We miss you soooo much! Hope to see you all this summer.
Auntie Kristy

Grandma Barb said...

They were such great pictures of all of you. Thanks so much for taking the time to post them all.

The Christmas photo shoot looked like quite an ordeal---fun to see and you ended up with a great one.
