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Friday, June 13, 2008

Heart Beat

So I took work off today so I could go with Raquel to the Dr. and listen to the baby's heart beat. We got to the Dr's office around 11:00 and were listening to the baby's heart by 11:30. It took a few seconds for the Dr. to find it but when she did it sounded like a horse galloping. 154 beats per minute something I can tell you all I will never forget. I also found another wifes tale that states you can tell the sex of the baby by the heart rate, It was said that 140+ beats per minute (BPM) was a girl and under 140 BPM was a boy. Just another way people used to try and predict the sex of the baby. It's probably a good thing we have ultrasound :)


Raquel said...

Hearing the heartbeat was truly incredible. I was a bit worried at first because all I heard was SSHHHSSSHHHH. The doctor assured me she could hear the heartbeat, but she wanted to make sure that it wasn't interfering with mine. She finally found the heartbeat and it was as strong as could be. In August, we will find out the gender of the baby and we are really excited for that.

Unknown said...

I voted for boy 1st, lol we all have had the boy 1st well except for Louie, but girls are so much fun to dress up, so many cute outfits.

Tia Mimi