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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First belly pic 16 weeks

So here is the belly.  It looks more like I have just gained weight than a pregnant belly but I am sure that will change soon.  I am still feeling great and trying to keep busy so I am not just lying around.  


Christina02 said...

Yay you finally got a pic up! Your lil belly is sooo cute!

Shannon said...

I love the belly. You are too cute. He He!!!!

Raquel said...

Thanks for the kind comments! Hopefully it will start to look more like a pregnant belly. Love you both!

Auntie Kristy said...

You look great and it looks like you have a baby growing in your tummy!
Can't wait 'til you feel her kick. It's an amazing feeling!

danica said...

so cute!!!

Grandma Lupe said...

From what I see, looks like you're having a little Sean. Why? Because your belly is high. When it's low, it's supposed to be a girl. Anyway, that's the saying.
Love, Your Grandma Lupe

Grandma Barb said...

I agree with Grandma's a boy because you're carrying the baby so high. Cute pic!

Cuz Leticia said...

Wow, how little and cute! Won't be that way for long! You'll spout out and feel your baby kicking in no time! It's wonderful to feel the little life inside you! (hope grandma is wrong, Sam and i want a little Raquel) Love your cousin, Leticia

Auntie Kristy said...

Sorry...I've always heard if you carry high it's a girl!!! It worked like that with my kids. Shelby was high and Lucas was low!

Hopefully we will be able to find out next month!