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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Future Cowboy Fan "NOT"

The next line of business was how I was going to tell my family. I would be flying out to California for my sister’s wedding. I would get there on
Thursday, May 15th about 2:00 pm and thought it would be a good idea to tell them that day so I wouldn’t be taking anything away from my sister’s “special day”.

I found the cutest shirt online that read “Future Cowboys Fan” with an arrow pointing down to my belly. What better way to tell them than with a T-Shirt. After all my whole family are Dallas Cowboy Fans.

I landed in Sacramento, CA and got off the plane. I was rather nervous and could feel my hands getting clammy. I came down the escalator and saw my mom and dad waiting for me. They both gave me a hug. My mom took a step back and asked me what my shirt meant, “Does that mean you are pregnant?” she asked. I smiled and said “YES!” They were both so happy and I saw tears fill my mom’s eyes. My dad had a big smile on his face and gave me a great big hug. We headed to Modesto where my family lives so we could tell the rest of the family.

My sister got home from school and immediately noticed my shirt. She gave me a huge hug and shed a tear. She said that it was about time we had another baby in the family. That night we went out to dinner with my brother Louie, my sister in law Kristy and my niece Shelby and nephew Lucas. Not one of them noticed the shirt right away. It took a couple of minutes and I heard Kristy whisper to Shelby, “Read auntie Raquel’s shirt. Do you know what that means?” Shelby looked at my shirt and then at me and nodded that she didn’t know what it meant. We told her and she got the biggest smile on her face. Lucas just blushed and smiled. My brother, the joker he is, asked if I had borrowed the shirt from someone. “Ha! Ha!” I remarked.

Everyone so far seemed really excited about the news. The last people I was going to tell that night were my grandma Lupe and Uncle Albert. My uncle has been waiting for us to get pregnant. That is the first thing he asks me every time I talk to him. My mom and I went over to my grandma’s house after dinner to visit. We went in and sat down for a few minutes before my mom had to tell them to read my shirt. My uncle couldn’t believe the news. He was thrilled and my grandma was jumping up and down. I don’t think I have ever gotten so many hugs in one day.

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